Bath Vegan Fayre - 'the absurdity of vivisection'; website providing direct links to articles on the internet, dealing with the subject of vivisection. As students and academics make use of the website, the articles listed below in the Master List are considered to be informative. Links are checked on a regular and frequent basis - the UK's largest animal rights group, founded in 1977, they campaign peacefully against all forms of animal abuse and promote a cruelty-free lifestyle. Investigating and exposing animal cruelty, their undercover investigations and other evidence are often used by the media, bringing these issues to public attention - Animal Defenders International's mission is to educate, create awareness, and promote the interest of humanity in the cause of justice, and the suppression of all forms of cruelty to animals; wherever possible to alleviate suffering, and to conserve and protect animals and the environment – the Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group exists to support animal rights activists unfortunate enough to end up behind bars, and promote an understanding of the reasons why decent, caring people feel forced to break the law. The SG’s primary role in the movement is to provide financial and practical support to those who find themselves in UK prisons as part of the struggle - Animals Count is a UK political party for people and animals who launched in December 2006, and in 2008 and 2009 Animals Count contested elections and received good results. While concern for animals is a mainstream priority, this is poorly reflected in the policies of most UK political parties. Voting for Animals Count will show politicians in other parties that the British public does care about animal issues and this will influence their policies and actions - Bath Gerbil Rescue is a locally based volunteer-run centre to provide homes and care for rats, gerbils, mice, hamsters and other assorted rodents - Bite Back is a 40 page animal liberation magazine, full of direct action reports, prisoner news, stories and photos, but also serves as a vehicle to report a diary international animal liberation activities, whatever they may be - Uncaged's 'Boycott Procter & Gamble' website; Procter & Gamble are the world's largest consumer products company, with an annual turnover of over $68 billion. Traditionally known for soaps and detergents, they now produce a massive range of products, and admit that guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, rats and mice are among the animals poisoned in their 'product safety research' – our Bristolian sisters and brothers! Bristol Animal Rights Collective frequently holds street stalls, and their current campaigns include opposition to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm and foie gras sellers - through undercover investigations, political lobbying, the promotion of cruelty free products, legal and scientific expertise and media activities the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection works tirelessly for over 100 years to make the world a better place for animals - formed in 1997, the UK Campaign for the Abolition of the Fur Trade has helped regenerate the grass-roots campaign against the fur trade in Britain, through investigations, education, campaigns and demonstrations. They have filmed undercover in fur farms, lobbied for a ban on fur farming and persuaded dozens of businesses to stop selling real fur - the Coalition of Badger Action Groups is a committed group of individuals that are against any scapegoating and destruction of wildlife for the sake of greed and farmers' vested interests. They take non-violent direct action to the fields and farms of these killers! - Compassion in World Farming was founded in 1967 by a British farmer who became horrified by the development of modern, intensive factory farming. They campaign peacefully to end all cruel factory farming practices - the UK's leading medical research charity that funds and promotes exclusively non-animal techniques to replace animal experiments. Their portfolio of high-quality, peer-reviewed and innovative research combines strict ethical principles with scientific excellence and relevance, and has involved projects in a range of fields including epilepsy, cancer, meningitis, asthma, Multiple sclerosis, diabetes, drug testing, arthritis, Parkinson's disease, lung injury, whooping cough, vaccine testing, dentistry, heart disease, tropical illness, fetal development and pregnancy, brain tumours and AIDS - formed in 1997 with the ultimate aim of putting an end to greyhound racing, Greyhound Action seeks to educate the public about the dark side of greyhound racing, so that support for this so-called 'sport' withers away. Producers of petitions, leaflets, posters, badges and stickers, and they also supply information to both local and national media, and additionally act as a central contact point for greyhound re-homing and rescue - the Hunt Saboteurs Association, formed in the winter of 1963. Since the supposed hunt ban on 2005, hunts around the country are arrogantly continuing their slaughter in the name of sport, in the hope or knowledge that the people in power don't really care. Hunt saboteurs now seek to take action where it counts - in the killing fields - using non-violent direct action tactics to save the lives of thousands of hunted animals every season - the Lord Dowding Fund for Humane Research; their objectives include supporting and funding better methods of scientific and medical research for testing products and curing disease, and to promote and assist any research for the purpose of showing that animal research is harmful or unnecessary to humanity. Founded in 1973, the Fund has awarded grants approaching £2 million to researchers working on a wide range of fields including microsurgery, toxicity testing of dental fillings, breast and lung cancer, product safety testing, Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, cot deaths, cataracts, kidney research, cell culture, computer-aided drug design, biotechnology, brain damage, computer teaching packages which replace the use of animals in education of students at school and university level - despite the myth of contentment, a dairy cow is the hardest worked of all farmed animals. She nurtures a growing baby inside her while simultaneously producing milk - up to 120 pints a day. To keep the flow going, she is forcibly impregnated every year and her babies are taken away a day or two after birth year, after year. This site looks further into he ethics and health implication of the dairy industry - the National Anti Vivisection Society is the world's first organisation campaigning against animal experiments, founded in 1875. They believe that vivisection will be abolished, but prefer to take a realistic view that this will be done step by step. Our campaigns over the years have borne this out, with bans in recent years on the use of animals in cosmetics testing, and other specific types of tests being dropped. Founders of the Lord Dowding Fund - the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Foundation is a UK-based charity dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals. PETA works through public education, research, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement and protest campaigns – the Safer Medicines Campaign is an independent patient safety charity of doctors and scientists whose concern is whether animal testing, today, is more harmful than helpful to public health and safety. Their goal is to protect human health by promoting human-specific medical research. Formerly known as Europeans for Medical Progress - the global campaign Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty was set up at the end of 1999 by a group of activists who had successfully closed down lab animal breeders, Consort kennels and Hillgrove cat farm. The campaign now targets Europe's largest animal testing facility, Huntingdon Life Sciences, in an attempt to free the 70,000 animals within, adopting a three-tier approach: they campaign against HLS's customers, their suppliers and their financial links - such as shareholders, market makers and banking facilities. SHAC remains much demonised by the UK government, and is forced to change its address almost every other month! - a grass roots animal rights group currently campaigning to end the use of animals in research carried out by Oxford University. Following completion of the new lab, SPEAK is now 'SPEAK - The Voice for the RIGHTS of Animals' to emphasize what it is that we are fighting for; not welfare improvements or more 'humane' treatment but legal rights for and an elevation of the moral status of animals - The Truth about Vivisection; US info site established by In Defense of Animals, who took successful legal action against various US university laboratories - an educational charity that provides information and guidance on various aspects of veganism, including to new and potential vegans, caterers, healthcare professionals, educators and the media. There is plenty of information on their website, and they are the producers of the Animal Free Shopper – a free accommodation listing service for vegetarians and vegans looking for somewhere to stay, or offering somewhere to stay - the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation is a registered charity set up to monitor and explain the increasing amount of scientific research linking diet to health, providing accurate information on which to make informed choices. They regularly communicate this information to the public, health professionals, schools and food manufacturers by campaigns, reports, publishing guides and fact sheets, and running the Vegetarian Recipe Club - the Vegetarian Society is the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world, an educational charity promoting understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles. They invented National Vegetarian Week, the Annual Vegetarian Society Awards, distribute teacher and student packs, and offer food security information and nutrition advice - national calendar of animal rights events, compiled by the Veggies vegan catering company in Nottingham. A fantastic resource, they also hold near-exhaustive listings for animal rights groups far and wide - the UK's only vegetarian newspaper supplement, bringing you all the latest monthly veggie news, best veggie products, most exciting veggie celebrities and loads of fantastic veggie readers' offers and competitions. Freely available online, and distributed throughout the Essex/London region with The Enquirer newspaper, and from healthfood shops throughout the UK and by subscription direct to your door - internet TV for Vegetarians, vegans and anyone interested in a cruelty-free lifestyle, set up by Veggie Times – every year, one billion animals face the barbarity of slaughter in Britain, and a further 4.5 billion fish and 2.6 billion shellfish are killed for the UK. Most animals spend their short lives in misery, imprisoned in the squalor of factory farms. Vegetarian's International Voice for Animals believe that the most powerful action you can take to end animal suffering, improve your health, protect the environment and bring fairness to the world's poor is to stop eating meat, dairy and fish. Viva! monitors the latest research and organises demonstrations and local campaigns – the Vivisection Information Network was formed in the late 1990s by a qualified lab animal technician who documented malpractice and the failure of the legislation in two animal labs before passing the evidence to the authorities and media. The flawed nature of the experiments endorsed by the law led him to pursue research into the scientific nature of animal testing and to publicise the strong evidence against it. Animal welfare and animal right are not a primary concern of this site, as their priority is to discuss the medical validity of experimenting on one species to learn about the biology, disease or treatment of another species: does animal experimentation actually work?